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Christina Gandolfo creates colorful, narrative-driven imagery of people and animals. Her earliest photos were of family cats and dogs in clothes and costumes (long before dressing pets was a thing). Before becoming a professional photographer she was a newspaper beat reporter, magazine editor and sports journalist who covered endurance sports on 5 continents. She loves making big plans, noticing the small things, going with the flow, and finding scrappy solutions to problems big and small. 

Her work has been highlighted in PDN, APhotoEditor, American Photography, Luerzer’s Archive and The Huffington Post as well as numerous magazines and print publications.


Select Clients

Avrett Free Ginsberg, Bicycling, The Bark, CalTech, DIY Network, ELLE, Emmy Magazine, Fast Company, Harvard Business Review, The Hollywood Reporter, Huffington Post, Los Angeles Magazine, Mars Petcare, Michelson Found Animals, The New York Times, Ozy.com, People Magazine, Purina, Southwest Magazine, Square Inc., , UCLA Magazine, University of Southern California, Women's Health

Features /Awards & Exhibitions

  • American Photography 35, Chosen Archive, 2019

  • Off the Clock / American Photographic Artists, Los Angeles, 2018

  • Off the Clock / American Photographic Artists, Los Angeles, 2016

  • American Photography 31, Selected Archive, 2015

  • The Stand-Ins, The Icon, Los Angeles - 2015

  • Photo LA / ASMP - California Soul - Los Angeles, 2014

  • Off the Clock, American Photographic Artists, Los Angeles, 2013

Sugar & Macbeth, early work, 1980s

Sugar & Macbeth, early work, 1980s